체코항공 인천 - 프라하 노선 무기한 중단
2월27일 항공편부터 적용
2020-02-28 10:50:29 , 수정 : 2020-02-28 10:50:46 | 권기정 기자

[티티엘뉴스] 체코항공(OK)이 인천 - 프라하 간 직항노선을 2월 27일 부터 무기한 중단한다고 체코항공 홈페이지를 통해 밝혔다.

취소된 체코항공 항공편은 같은 스카이팀인 대한항공 구간으로 변경 및 환불이 가능하다.





Czech Airlines is suspending direct flights between Prague and Seoul, South Korea, effective immediately. Czech Airlines is responding to growing concerns about the coronavirus infection and a drop in demand for Czech Airlines flights to/from Seoul. After a thorough assessment of the situation, all Czech Airlines flights between Prague and Seoul have been cancelled as of today. For Czech Airlines, health and safety of both customers and employees is the topmost priority.  The measure is effective indefinitely.


Czech Airlines offers to fully refund clients affected by the cancellation or to transfer them to flights operated by other carriers. Czech Airlines takes a highly responsible approach to the epidemic threat and has been consulting relevant authorities.



▲ 체코 수도 프라하의 아경



권기정 기자 john@ttlnews.com
